If you have a list with cells of all different colors, you can apply a filter to those cells to have Excel filter them by color, and then apply a formula to count how many of those cells are visible. First, select your list. Right click and choose Filter | Filter by Selected Cells Color. You can then select the filter drop down in your list's first cell and choose which … [Read more...]
Using Fill Handle for the Alphabet
Using the fill handle is easy. Simply start typing a list of consecutive numbers, dates, etc. and drag the rest. You can easily fill 100 cells in no time at all. Well what if you wanted to fill the alphabet down a list of cells? Unfortunately, Excel doesn't have this functionality built in. If you were to start typing the alphabet down column A, so that A1=A, A2=B, A3=C, and … [Read more...]
Watch Window
In large worksheets, it is especially useful to be able to view a cell that contains summary data, such as totals. This can become tedious if your totals are at the end of your worksheet, while the data you're editing is at the beginning, causing you to have to scroll down to be able to see the totals. If you use Excel's Watch Window, you can keep your worksheet's summary … [Read more...]
Automatically Create an Index for Your Excel File
Do you want one central location where you can easily navigate to any worksheet in your file, and then navigate back with one click? This macro lets you quickly and easily create an index in Excel that lists all sheets in your workbook. The best part is that the index excel macro updates itself every time you select the index sheet! Indexing in Excel made simple. If you need … [Read more...]
Send Emails From Excel
Often times you'll find yourself working on a file in Excel that needs to be sent to a co-worker as an attachment. If you store your files on a shared network drive, it could take a little while to find your file, even if you know exactly where it is located. Even then, you may have to worry about attaching the wrong file if there are several saved with similar file … [Read more...]