Introduction: Excel has wealth of options to perform Trend Analysis. Trend Analysis is a very useful tool for business decision making and is a widely adopted procedure in Sales, Marketing, Finance, Operations and Inventory control. In today’s post, we will learn about options available to us to find the trend in our data and our focus will be mainly on quantities … [Read more...]
Understanding Drop Down List Options for Data Validation
Introduction Excel user are familiar with drop down lists from the time Microsoft used it in their Office Program. The drop down lists were helpful as they are we able to a lot of options, were cascade-able. The value of these dropdowns was multiplied as the options were available through shortcut keys. The Drop Downs, though gone from Excel and Office (Replaced by tabs … [Read more...]
A comparison of options to concatenate in spreadsheets
Introduction: We often came across the requirement of joining texts or concatenation in spreadsheets. This requirement might arise due to need to creating a key for lookup operations or might be to create full name, with first, second and third name present in various column of the sheets. The procedure of joining text is help in creating custom messages where information is … [Read more...]
The Most Useful MS Excel Formulas for Accountants
Introduction: Just like other spreadsheet users, accountants do use a lot of formulas. It is not necessary that all the formulas that are used by accountant relate to their accounting functions. In order to make their sheets works and analyze data intelligently they use formula from across the categories provided in MS Excel: Lookup Function, Statistical Functions, Text … [Read more...]
10 Must Have Excel Skills for Accountants
Introduction: One of the most widely used tool for accountants and managers is none other but MS Excel . Spreadsheets are around us for quite some time and they have been developed in to a handy tool. Some of them are propriety like Microsoft office and some can be used under creative commons license like open office. When it comes to collaboration or sharing data, google … [Read more...]