Adding and subtracting time in Excel is something that people often times have a difficult time figuring out how to do correctly. Often times you are doing it right, but the results don't seem to be displaying correctly. Other times you may give up doing it the "correct" way and set up an hours column and a minutes column. Then add the minutes, divide by 60, and add it to the … [Read more...]
Sum Values In A Month
Sometimes we get data in Excel that makes it somewhat difficult to look at the big picture. For example, you might get a list of transactions with a date and sale price. Let's say you need to sum values in a month to use in some other analysis. With that example, it isn't easy to just look at the data and know that the first 10 rows are January's transactions, the next 12 are … [Read more...]
3D Sum Formula Reference
On occasion, it is useful to keep track of similar data in separate worksheets. Data such as monthly, quarterly, or annual financial information isn't always best to show in one spreadsheet. However, there may be times when you want to see a total of the data on each worksheet. The 3D Sum Formula will let you easily add up data across the worksheets without having a long … [Read more...]